APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN – 2018 U15 Zone Teams – Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches

The Zone Teams will represent Lacrosse SA in the 2018 ALA Under 15 National Tournament, Melbourne, VIC, Sunday, 30 September 2018 – Saturday, 6 October 2018.  The team will provide opportunities for all eligible players to develop their skills, athleticism and knowledge throughout a balanced program.  Lacrosse SA is now recruiting suitable candidates to lead, develop and support the team/s in the following position/s:

Head Coach

–   Position Description

–   Selection Statement

Assistant Coach

–   Position Description

–   Selection Statement


  • Download and read the relevant position description (PD) and selection statement (SS).
  • Complete the selection statement and save it to your device.
  • Go to the online application form, enter your details and upload the SS and other required documents (specified in the PD).

Applications close, Sunday, 27 May 2018.

We know this process can be time consuming, so we have made a few improvements to help.  After completing this process for the first time, your documents will remain in the database, so all you will need to do for future application is to login and click register.

We have also introduced the ‘selection statement’ to help those assessing applications make more informed and fairer decisions.   A selection panel will be responsible for assessing applications for the Head Coach position and will present a recommendation to the Lacrosse SA Board.

The selected Head Coach will then have the opportunity to work with relevant Lacrosse SA stakeholders to appoint further team personnel to required positions.  Lacrosse SA may also choose to recruit candidates by other means if it feels it is in the best interest of the team, sport or Lacrosse SA.   For further information about the positions please contact the Lacrosse SA State Teams Representative, Anita Lewis ( or the Lacrosse SA Office (

Kind Regards,

Anita Lewis
State Teams Representative